Martin Product Sales LLC
Base Stabilization & Full Depth Reclamation
“An emulsion-stabilized base waterproofs the flexible base, making the intrusion of water less likely. Any desirable characteristics that you gain from densities and strength of aggregate will remain constant, because asphalt emulsions waterproof the flexible base.” – Roads & Bridges, 2005
Strengthened, Flexible Base
When asphalt emulsions are used for base stabilization and full depth reclamation (FDR), the result is a strengthened base that is flexible and resistant to fatigue and cracking. New base material or reclaimed materials (including any bituminous surface) can be remixed. FDR is a cost-effective technique for correcting deficiencies, reclaiming distressed pavements and providing structurally sound bases for existing roads. Virgin aggregate is sometimes added to increase the structural capabilities of the base. Structure is built down into the pavement structure during the process. After stabilization, the new base is ready for surfacing.